the crochet bag mobile app prototype

The Crochet Bag Mobile App Prototype and Web Application

Branding Wireframing Prototyping Usability Testing


The Crochet Bag – is a dedication to my sister’s passion for creating hand crafted crochet products that was developed to create an interactive mobile app prototype annd web application along with a usability report for selling crochet product. The prototype and website was tailored to a specific user archetype and target audience by using Adobe XD. The user testing was completed using Useberry.

  • Role

    UI/UX Designer

  • Duration

    3 Weeks

  • Tools Used

    • adobe illustrator icon
    • adobe photoshop icon
    • AdobeXD icon
    • useberry icon
View Prototype View Report The Crochet Bag Website

Ideation & Research

When I was looking into existing crochet apps from the following brands Ravelgurumi, Stash2Go, Craftsy for my research part, I realised that none of the apps had a feature for selling crochet products. So, I came up with the idea to create a mobile commerce app that would allow users to browse and buy handmade crochet products. I planned to include screens that will organize the products into categories and present them in a card format making it easier for users to filter out their product search.

existing apps for mobile commerce business

Developing Persona, Scenario and UserFlow

I created user persona and user scenario to have a better understanding of the pain points and goals of the target audience. So, that I could apply the solution to the design of the app. Then I created a flowchart using add the link in webpage, detailing the steps a user would take to create an account, log in, and purchase an item.

Referring to competitor crochet ecommerce apps helped me to collect a lot of information about the design, style, layout of the mobile application. Furthermore, the topic selected because of personal interest made the information gathering process much simpler and easier. Based on the research done, the objective was to ensure the navigation of the user flow process decided upon is user-friendly.

user persona for the crochet bag app user scenario for the crochet bag app user scenario for the crochet bag app

Style Tile

For the style tile, I picked the monotone theme of indigo-blue. The tint and shade of it gave a bright and sharp contrast to keep consistency with the branding.

For the typography, I used PT Sans ease of readability on mobile phones.

The hard part was that to find royalty free images that goes well with the concept. Most of the images were all copyrighted works, so it took some time.

user flowchart for the crochet bag app

Wireframe and Interactive Prototype Creation

The lo-fi wireframes were created for the screens according to the user flow — the landing page, categories, product view, product details, sign in/sign up, and checkout. Furthermore, I added an icon to bookmark the products.

The main intent of prototyping the app was to make it an exclusive mobile commerce app. Let people be aware and explore the feeling of buying crochet products.

low fidelity wireframes high fidelity wireframes

Usability Testing with Useberry

The prototype was assessed with an online software tool – Useberry. It enables the group of testers to independently examine the interface and determine any possible usability pain points.

usability report for the crochet bag app